Judges, Lawyers, and MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS who work IN family law


Family Law Judges, Lawyers, and Mental Health Professionals

WE ARE HERE to increase awareness and hold accountable those who have acted inconsistently with their oaths of office, state and federal law, and the ethical guidelines of their profession. The individuals listed below are either named in a lawsuit and/or are alleged to have engaged in behavior that does not uphold the ethical standards expected of their roles. Additionally, we seek to highlight legal professionals whose actions have been determined or alleged to be unethical or illegal.

  • This list is meant to educate so that others may have the opportunity to find these people’s names.
  • This list is meant to inform those who have had a difficult experience with these individuals or firms to know they aren’t the only ones.
  • This list is meant to inspire others to report those who have been behaving inappropriately.

Raleigh – Durham North Carolina:

J. Brian Ratledge

Family Court Judge Wake CountyFamily Court
Photo of J. Brian Ratledge
Categories: Family Court Professionals, Judges, North Carolina, Raleigh-Durham, United States
Updated 6 months ago.