Report a Lawyer or Judge*
*Note: Reports need to be substantiated with some competent evidence. We are all here to inform and help and spread awareness. We always respect the law itself and the professions always speaking to actions, never denigrating or being disrespectful—you know: the whole “do unto others” thing. Wherever possible, we seek to educate, not to punish.
But we will not hold back. Anything substantiated which does not follow the rule of law, especially those behaviors that harm children will be brought to light. There are those who want us to get upset, fight and try to cut corners to get an outcome.
But that’s their approach. Ours is to work within the law, always, but apply it to help those we love most and stop those who would seek convenience and comfort over doing the right thing. This is for those parents (and children) who come to the Court system for justice and give them the opportunity to really get it.